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Home Based Exercises

USD $12.00/month
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Access to the Exercises you can do at home for 12 Primitive Reflexes. This comes with simple explanatory videos explaining

  • What each reflex is

  • What difficulties or symptoms a child may have if the reflex is retained

  • Where to start and how to progress

You also have community support within our closed chatroom where parents can connect with each other


Interactive Metronome Exercises

USD $12.00/month
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Coming Soon, please don't subscribe yet
Contains over 100 additional exercises you can use with the Interactive Metronome, particularly IM Home.
We often recommend training with the Interactive Metronome as the primitive reflexes are becoming integrated because it activates so many cortical, cerebellar, basal ganglia pathways together with auditory and visual feedback.
Research about the effects of the device are also included


Primitive Reflex Exercises + Interactive Metronome Exercises

USD $18.00/month
Choose Membership

Access to over 300 Primitive Reflex Integration exercises plus 100+ Exercises for the Interactive Metronome


Understand more and Test Primitive Reflexes

USD $25.00/month
Choose Membership

Coming Soon, please don't subscribe yet.
For Therapists, Clinicians and Parents who want to know more about Primitive Reflexes.
Ways to assess and grade Primitive Reflexes
Exercises for the Cerebellum and Hemispheric Integration (how to bias activity to one hemisphere).
What the research says about Primitive Reflexes